Stockpile/APEX Fees (Base Members)

Effective Date: October 9th, 2024

Gift Cards for Stock

Buying e-gifts or gift cardsFree*
Redeeming a gift cardFree
Switching to another stockFree

Stock & ETF Trades (subject to account fees below)

Buying a stock/ETF/ADRFree
Buying a stock/ETF/ADR using a debit cardFree*
Selling a stock/ETF/ADRFree
SEC Regulatory Fee 1$01
Trading Activity Fee (TAF)$02

Crypto Trades**

Commission for buying cryptoFree
Commission for buying crypto using a debit cardFree*
Commission for selling cryptoFree

Cash Transfers

Linking your bank accountFree
Incoming cash (ACH)Free*
Linking a debit card for fundingFree
Incoming cash (debit card funding)Free*
Outgoing cash (ACH)Free

Account Fees

Minimum balance requirementNone
Membership fee4$4.95/month
Electronic statements, trade confirms, tax forms
Paper Delivery
Paper trade confirms$2 per confirm
Paper statements (Monthly and Quarterly)$5 per Statement
Incoming account transfers (from another brokerage)Free
Escheatment Processing Fee5$75
Transfer on Death Account TransferFree
Custodian account transition to Individual accountFree

Other Fees

Wire amendment/repair$30
Paper checks$5
Returned check, ACH, wire, recall, stop payment$30
ACH notice of correction$5
Printed Historical statements/confirms from APEX$150 per hour (2 hour minimum)
Overnight mail (domestic)$50
Account transfers to another brokerage$75
Voluntary/post actionable reorg$50 per CUSIP

*Convenience fees may apply at the card level. These convenience fees are not Stockpile Investment, Inc.’s fees.

**Execution of cryptocurrency trades and custody of cryptocurrencies are provided by Bakkt Crypto Solutions LLC. All cryptocurrency transactions are serviced and processed by Stockpile Crypto, Inc., an affiliate of Stockpile Investments, Inc. Stockpile Investment, Inc. does not assess any commission or fee for buying or selling crypto. Bakkt Crypto Solutions LLC charges a 100-200 basis point (1% to 2%) spread on each trade to pay for their service, which is reflected in the price at which Bakkt Crypto Solutions LLC executes your order to buy or sell crypto. The spread covers all of the costs associated with facilitating crypto transactions and storing crypto, and Stockpile receives some of the revenue generated in exchange for licensing our software to Bakkt Crypto Solutions LLC.

1 Regulatory fees are mandated fees normally passed onto the customer. These occur when customers sell a stock or ETF, and often cost only a few pennies. Stockpile does not profit from these fees.

2 SEC fees are normally passed on to customers, but Stockpile pays for these costs. Sells Only $0.0000278 * Total Trade Amount (Min $0.01 per trade)

3 TAF fees are normally passed on to customers, but Stockpile pays for these costs.Sells Only (covered equity securities) $0.000166 * Total Trade Volume (Min $0.01 per trade - Max $8.30 per trade)

4 Membership fees are mandatory and recurring fees that provide customers access to services of Stockpile Investments, Inc. and its affiliates, including free trades. You may establish a preferred payment method to pay Membership Fees by selecting an ACH link or debit card. Stockpile Investments, Inc. will never draw Membership Fees via ACH link or debit card unless you explicitly direct us to do so. If you do not establish a preferred payment method, Fees may be deducted from the available cash of the Investment Account. If there is insufficient cash in the Investment Account, Stockpile Investments, Inc. may direct APEX Clearing to sell sufficient securities to pay the Membership Fees and apply the proceeds to pay any current or past due Membership Fees to Stockpile Investments, Inc. In the event that the total equity balance in your Stockpile investment account is insufficient to pay for the Membership Fee, the remaining balance in the account will be deducted towards the payment of the Membership Fee for the period for which the payment is due.

5 Escheatment processing fee is charged upon escheatment by the clearing firm.

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